Sunday, 27 December 2009

Granadilla Fridge Tart


2 x packets Tennis Biscuits or Digestive Biscuits
1 x tin Granadilla Pulp
2 x packets small size Lemon Jelly
2 x Tablespoons Sugar
1 x tin Ideal Milk or Evaporated Milk (Large not small tin)


Mix Jelly with 2 cups hot water and 1 cup cold water, let partly set in fridge.

Have Ideal Milk or Evaporated Milk overnight in fridge

Beat Ideal Milk/Evaporated Milk for about 4minutes on high speed. It should go thick.

Add Granadilla Pulp, Sugar & Jelly

Put a layer of tennis biscuits/digestive biscuits, then jelly mixture, then tennis biscuits, then jelly mixture. You can only put one layer of biscuits and then the mixture or do it any way you want to. Even finish it off with some biscuits on the top.

You can make it in one large pie dish or individual serving glasses/bowls.